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Kraft/Mondelez Workers News

Mondelez turns a blind eye to human rights while 'smart shelf' technology watches consumers 23/10/2013 - 12:17

Mondelez can't seem to catch abusive human rights practices in its own operations but is preparing to photograph shoppers on their way to the checkout counter  to deliver targeted advertising to stimulate impulse buying. "Smart shelf" technology will stream massive quantities of data back to Mondelez headquarters but the company is not equipped to gather and evaluate relevant information based on international human rights standards.

Justice delayed - Mondelez Egypt lawyers appeal and delay sacked union leaders' legal hearings, cut off medical benefits 24/09/2013 - 16:48

In response to allegations of human rights abuses and union-busting in Egypt, Mondelez has publicly stated  that the cases of the five dismissed Cadbury Alexandria union leaders are in the courts and they are "awaiting the Tribunal's decision". At the Tribunal, however, where the company is seeking legal sanction for their dismissals, the court has decided in favour of one of the dismissed union leaders. So company lawyers have appealed the decision, and are working hard to delay procedures in the other four cases.

Press Conference in Cairo features Cadbury 5 Campaign, calls on Government to "Do your duty" 18/09/2013 - 17:35

A press conference highlighting the struggles of Egyptian workers punished for exercising their rights took place at the Press Club in Cairo on 14 September 2013.

To seduce investors, war on workers - 'wrecking ball' for older sites 10/09/2013 - 08:46

Two recent announcements by Mondelez are the latest episodes in the company's ongoing efforts to seduce investors with increased share buybacks and bigger dividends and squeeze workers by generating uncertainty and fear through closures, cutbacks and increased competition.

Read the full story in the latest Mondelez Union Network - download and distribute here!


Mondelez squeezes suppliers by extending payment to 120 days - who's next? 27/08/2013 - 12:46

As of July, major suppliers to Mondelez must wait a staggering 120 days for payment. An August 15 article in Fortune (A snack maker's unsavory business practices, available online to subscribers), calls the move "a  stunning example of one-upmanship."

Tunisian union demands reinstatement of dismissed Mondelez union leader 15/08/2013 - 14:52

Strange things happen at the SOTUBI factory in Tunis, Tunisia's largest manufacturer of biscuits of which Mondelez owns 49%. In January 2011, with the country in a state of insurrection, workers took responsibility for protecting the factory, their source of livelihood.

Mondelez gum sales in sticky mess as corporate management continues to trample over human rights in Egypt 13/08/2013 - 17:06

In February, Mondelez published disappointing 2012 results, attributing much of the blame to the ailing gum category.

Worldwide action in IUF Mondelez campaign 23/07/2013 - 10:53

Since March this year, workers employed by Mondelez around the world have campaigned for the company to respect human rights and meet with the IUF.

AMWU members in Australia demand that Mondelez respects human rights 22/07/2013 - 12:35

AMWU members employed by Mondelez at the company facilities at Ringwood and Scoresby in Victoria, Australia, were shocked to hear a report from their union about company actions in Egypt, Tunisia and Pakistan.

Lebanon union takes Mondelez to arbitration over closure compensation 18/07/2013 - 13:49

When the Cadbury Adams union members employed by Mondelez in Lebanon were abruptly told their chewing gum factory was to close and the jobs were being moved to Egypt where labour costs were lower and the company had smashed the union, they were shocked at the Company deceit.

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