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Urgent Action Solidarity with independent unionists in Algeria: call for the reinstatement of Rachid Malaoui, President of SNAPAP

In May 2013, Rachid Malaoui was removed from his post at the University of Continuous Education while he was about to take part in the International Labour Conference, organized by the International Labour Organization (ILO), last June, in Geneva. This type of harassment clearly demonstrates a desire to punish Rachid Malaoui because of his trade union activities and his commitment to defending human rights.

Click here to send a message to the President of the Republic of Algeria.

Turkish Airlines workers get loud support from IUF members in New York

The iconic Empire State Building was the scene of a strong and vocal protest against Turkish Airlines rights abuses held in New York November 8. The action was in support of 305 Turkish Airlines workers dismissed in 2012 for exercising their right to strike.

Precarious work expands at Mondelez Pakistan but management refuses negotiation on status of 'outsiders'

The union at Mondelez Pakistan's Cadbury factory continues its mobilization in support of demands for collective bargaining negotiations on the status of the growing number of casual workers by holding two protests a week. Management adamantly refuses to address the abusive status of these workers, which it calls "outsiders", through negotiation and bargaining.

Mondelez Tunisia union confirms leadership commitment to struggle for rights

The branch union of the FGAT-UGTT at the Mondelez SOTUBI joint-venture biscuit factory in Tunis, reaffirmed their commitment to struggle for the rights of all Mondelez/SOTUBI workers at an extraordinary congress on October 27 convened at the request of the workers. Congress elected a 7-member leadership team which includes 4 members of the executive which was dissolved under management pressure in 2012 following the suspension of a workplace representative and the Assistant General Secretary and the dismissal of General Secretary Zied Naloufi.

New study highlights elevated breast cancer risk for women working in chemical 'toxic soup'

An important recent study by the UK's Stirling University suggests that women working in particular industries run double or more the risk of developing breast cancer. In the IUF sectors, women working in agriculture, food packaging, canning, bars and the gaming industry, were identified as being at heightened risk.

Domestic Workers of the World Unite!

Domestic workers are organizing globally to challenge their public invisibility and slave-like working conditions, and have now transformed their international network IDWN into a worldwide federation. The transformation was decided by representatives of 48 domestic workers' organizations from 42 countries at the founding congress of the International Domestic Workers' Federation (IDWF) held in Montevideo, Uruguay October 26-28

Italian restaurant and catering workers strike to defend national agreement

Italian restaurant and catering workers went on strike on October 31 to protest the employer associations' plans to withdraw from the national collective agreement in the tourism industry, which includes restaurants and catering. Thousands of workers joined demonstrations in Rome and Milan and then held a picket line in front of the employer associations' headquarters.

Landmark victory for New York City hotel/gaming workers

The New York City Hotel Trades Council has reached an agreement that brings enormous gains for the 1,400 employees of the Resorts World New York casino. The contract provides for an immediate near-doubling of wages, with substantial increases in the second and third years. Wages in 2016 will be nearly triple what the workers were earning before they had a union.

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