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UFCW members at Hormel Foods approve new collective agreement

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A new agreement covering 4,000 Hormel workers in five plants secures big wage increases, health care improvements and greater pension security for meatpacking workers and their families. The agreement sets a new standard for wages and benefits in the meat industry in the United States.

Five UFCW local unions took unified worksite actions over the past six months - actions that sent a strong message to Hormel that UFCW members are willing to fight and stick together for a contract that would secure wages and benefits that can support a family.

Nationwide, the UFCW represents 8,000 Hormel workers. The current agreement covers about 4,000 workers at the company's facilities in Austin MN, Algona IA, Fremont NE, Beloit WI, and Atlanta GA.

Source: UFCW

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