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IUF backs ITF & New Zealand Dock Workers’ fight against casualization

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The New Zealand labour movement is facing a major struggle and a critical strike in Auckland Ports. The Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) is fighting an uncompromising employer offering a take it or leave it casualization proposal. Abandon your security and even the predictability of when you might work or we'll bring in contractors and fire you all. That's pretty much the message facing 300 port workers in Auckland.

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU), the International Transport Workers Federation and all IUF New Zealand affiliates are standing with the MUNZ in what they now is a critical fight for the future of New Zealand workers and their unions. The IUF has pledged all possible support to the ITF, its affiliate the MUNZ and the entire New Zealand labour movement.

Alarmingly typical of many current fights this one is about the simple right to a decent and secure job. The employer in this case is trying to push workers back to a world where you were lucky to get a day's work and to hell with securing some predictability or security in a real job. Every employer who gets away with turning back the clock this way puts pressure on workers everywhere as we fight to defend the concept of a decent secure job, something under threat everywhere today. In a message to ITF general secretary David Cockroft and NZCTU president Helen Kelly , the IUF's Ron Oswald made it clear that, “the MUNZ's, NZCTU's and the ITF's fight is our fight. We will inform our members around the world and they in turn will support you in whatever ways they can. This is a fight none of us can afford to lose."

What can you do? Simple. You can help by taking a few moments to sign on to the union’s petition by clicking here

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