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Support the March 29 general strike in Spain!

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Spanish unions are united as never before in their mobilization against labour law 'reforms' which gut workplace protection and trade union rights and in defense of public services. A 24-hour national general strike has been called for March 29.

Following mass mobilizations on February 19 and 29 which brought millions onto the streets, a third Day of Action was held on March 11. Nationwide protests saw 1.5 million angry citizens take part in 60 demonstrations, with an estimated half million people turning out in Madrid and Barcelona.

The government remains deaf to all discussion of the labour legislation, which was implemented by executive decree, and the budget cuts. Under orders from the European Commission and the banks, the government is committed to stripping away social and workplace protection and reducing public spending even as the country plunges deeper into recession and mass unemployment.

The unions have therefore called for a 24-hour general strike on March 29. The action was agreed on in a March 9 meeting of the executive bodies of the two national union centers CC.OO and UGT- the first such joint meeting ever.

Spain's trade union movement is fighting back not only against their own government, but against the European-wide austerity drive which is transferring wealth and destroying public services on a massive scale. You can support their struggle by sending a message of support to the IUF's Spanish affiliates, telling them you are with them on March 29 and for as long as it takes for the government to change course.

Click here to send a message!


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