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UK: Arla Foods makes largest cut to milk price

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Arla will reduce the standard litre price by 2ppl with effect from 1 August.

Arla Foods has implemented the largest cut yet of three other major UK milk processors in the last week to have reduced their farmgate milk prices.

In the latest round of price-cutting, Arla said in a letter to its members this week it will reduce the standard litre price by 2ppl with effect from 1 August, resulting in a 7.5% cut to 24.5 pence.

The company said its business performance has "continued to suffer", primarily due to the "ongoing impact of depressed commodity prices".

The cut, however, is just the latest of a number of reductions announced already this week. First Milk this morning blamed declining returns from customers in the liquid milk market for its decision to reduce its liquid pool price by 6.5% or 1.7ppl to 24.35 pence, and its balancing pool price by 0.9ppl.

Dairy Crest also moved to make a 6.2% or 1.65ppl cut this week to 25 pence, while Robert Wiseman Dairies' decision to cut prices by 6.4% or 1.7ppl on Monday to 24.73 pence was met with criticism from the National Farmers Union (NFU), which slammed the decision as a "catastrophic example of hypocrisy and unfairness".

By: Michelle Russell

IUF - Uniting Food, Farm and Hotel Workers World-Wide

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