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Solidarity with Airline Catering Workers at Gate Gourmet & LSG Sky Chefs

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IUF affiliates UNITE-HERE, the Teamsters (USA) and the NGG in Germany, together with the public services union Ver.di, are calling for international support for their members facing difficult negotiations at LSG SkyChefs and Gate Gourmet, the largest global airline catering companies.

The workers who prepare and deliver airline food have in recent years assisted the companies during difficult times by making sacrifices. In both companies, for example, workers in the US accepted wage and benefit cuts in 2005. Now that the financial situation of both companies has improved, the workers feel they deserve a fair contract. They are demanding collective agreements that provide job security, fair wages and benefits, respect and dignity at work and safe working conditions.

You can support their struggle - CLICK HERE to send a message to the companies.

From Los Angeles (top) to Orlando, Florida (left) and across Germany, airline catering workers are mobilizing for decent pay and conditions.

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