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IUF strengthens cooperation with European Social Auditor Vigeo

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Orignially signed in 2005, the IUF and Vigeo have recently renewed their commitment to working together by signing a new cooperation agreement. Vigeo, which was first formed in 2002 is a social auditing firm based in Paris. Their objectives include promoting and diseminating social audit criteria and specific company ratings based on verifiable standards.Their clients include corporations and institutional investors.

Investors are increasingly use social audits when making decisions about where to place their capital. Under the terms of the agreement, the IUF will continue to supply information on the trade union rights records of specific companies, to contribute to Vigeos company analyses. IUF affilitaes will also be invited to contribute additonal information in certain cases. Vigeo could also issue warnings to investors if notified by the IUF of a dispute or violation of rights in a particular company.

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