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Settlement Ends Long Strike at Mott's/Dr. Pepper Snapple

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Workers on strike at New York state juice and sauce maker Mott's ended their nearly four-month strike by voting to approve a contract on September 13 that preserves their threatened pay and pension plans. The 300 members of RWDSU Local 220 walked off the job when the company, swimming in record profits and CEO compensation, demanded across-the-board wage cuts amounting to some USD 3,000 annually, substantial cuts in benefits and the winding up of the company pension plan. The conflict, widely perceived as a savage expression of corporate greed at a time of economic hardship across the US, attracted significant trade union and political support and generated important media coverage in the US and neighboring Canada.

RWDSU President Stuart Appelbaum, commenting on the strike settlement, stated "Not a day went by without people stopping by to drop off a financial or food donation for the strike fund.  The International, National and local community supported us thoroughly, and the RWDSU and Local 220 members want to share their thanks."

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