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Guatemalan banana union leader murdered

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Violence against banana unions in Guatemala is escalating. On May 26, Joel Hernandez Godoy, finance secretary of the IUF-affiliated banana workers union SITRABI, was shot dead by a gunman on motorcycle while driving through the village of Cristina to the union headquarters in the town of Morales.

This brutal assassination follows on the April 10 murder of SITRABI officer Oscar Humberto Gonlalez Vasquez, killed by two men on a motorcycle in Nueva Chiriqui, Morales. SITRABI leader Marco Tulio Ramirez was murdered in September 2007.

Act now! - end a message to the president of Guatemala, Álvaro Colom Caballeros, to condemn this latest murder of a banana union leader and to demand that the perpetrators be swiftly brought to justice.

Click here to send a message.

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