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Spanish unions to hold general strike as part of European union action day

Spain's two union centers CC.OO and UGT, with the support of some 150 civil society organizations grouped in the Social Summit, are organizing a national general strike on November 14, the European day of trade union action against austerity.

Compass announces mass layoffs: workers get austerity while company maintains profits

Compass,the UK based global catering and facilities management company has launched a program of mass layoffs of workers in the Euro-Mediterranean area. In Italy the company plans to lay off almost 1000 of its 9000 employees. Company management explained the layoffs as necessary to retain forecasted profit margins!

The situation at Holiday Inn LAX isn't clean

Holiday Inn LAX

The workers at the Holiday Inn LAX are blowing the whistle on their employer. Holiday Inn LAX employees reported that the hotel sometimes went without laundry detergent to wash sheets and towels. Workers would use only hot water when that happened. Workers also reported sometimes having no soap to wash cocktail glasses in the bar.

Swedish study reveals widespread human rights violations in popular tour operator destinations

On October 23, the Swedish network Fair Travelling (Schyst Resande) released a report made in two of the most popular destinations for Swedish tourists: Turkey and Thailand.

Strike against "scary wages" on Halloween

Workers at the Legoland theme park in Günzburg in the south of Germany walked off the job on October 31 in protest against low wages and precarious working conditions.

The IUF-affiliated NGG has been calling on management to negotiate a collective agreement for the 1,000 workers at "Low-wageland Legoland" and called a strike on October 31 to coincide with Halloween celebrations and the close of the season in the theme park.

Kraft Foods split claims its first victims

"As expected, it's workers who are paying the price of the Kraft Foods split", IUF affiliate PRO-GE said in response to Mondelez' announcement, on 30 October, that the Jacobs coffee roasting facility in Vienna (Austria) would be closed. "Mondelez is simply continuing what has long been common practice at Kraft Foods: abandoning sustainable corporate policy in favor of short-term stock market gains."

Millennium Seoul Hilton workers win key demands

Eight days after launching collective action including rolling strikes at the Millennium Seoul Hilton, the union (a member of the IUF-affiliated KFSU) signed an agreement on October 23 which meets key demands. Signed just before the launch of a third strike, the agreement brings a 5% wage increase, improved benefits and allowances, and the recruitment of 13 permanent workers to replace those scheduled to retire this year.

Update : Korean Women’s Trade Union hunger strike for permanent jobs

The leadership of the IUF-affiliated Korean Women’s Trade Union (KWTU) together with two other unions in the National Council of Irregular Workers at Schools launched a hunger strike on October 24 to demand wage increases, the right to negotiate collective agreements and permanent jobs for precarious workers in schools.

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