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Important collective bargaining win at Nescafé Switzerland

Trade union tenacity and fear of having to open the books for an economic expertise broke Nestlé's resistance to a wage increase at the Nescafé factory in Orbe.

Reward offered for negotiating text of the TPPA

As the next round of the highly secretive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations are set to take place in Leesburg, Virginia from 6-15 September, the Washington based lobby group Just Foreign Policy is raising funds for a reward to go to Wikileaks if they are able to leak the negotiating text. Wanted: Dead or Alive (and preferably dead) secret text which will remove the democratic rights of citizens to decide their own economic futures.

National march on Madrid to contest austerity

Spain's national union centers CC.OO and UGT along with civil society organizations are escalating the fight against the Popular Party's savage social policies with a national march on Madrid September 15. The mobilization is organized through the Social Summit formed in July which brings together over 150 organizations.

Women ice cream workers at Unilever Russia win union recognition, direct employment

Women workers packing ice cream at Unilever's Inmarko factory in Omsk (Siberia) struck for 3 days in May demanding union recognition and a return to direct employment - and won.

Urgent Action Kraft Egypt removes union leaders who called for company to obey the law!

Kraft has sacked 5 members of the board of the newly-created independent union at the former Cadbury chocolate factory in Alexandria following a protest over the non-payment of a government-decreed social allowance.

Democracy now in Swaziland !

Unions internationally are urging support for the Global Week of Action on Swaziland organized by the Swaziland Democracy Campaign, which has called for international solidarity. For four decades since indendendence, the Swazi monarch has ruled under emergency laws and 'counter-terrorism' legislation which ban political parties and severely restrict democratic and civic freedoms.

Working in Sweden – making sure migrant workers have the facts

Kommunal, IUF's affiliate in Sweden representing  agricultural  and horticultural workers has for several years been assisting migrant workers. Kommunal produces a brochure explaining the working system  and giving information about minimum wage levels,  working time and  health and safety regulations.

IUF affiliates in Australia and New Zealand pledge to fight the destruction of jobs in both countries

IUF Food unions in Australasia have pledged greater cooperation in the fight to defend permanent decent jobs in the food processing sector.

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