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Editorial Tax havens fatten the rich while austerity ravages the rest

G20 leaders pledged to shut down tax havens at their crisis summit in April 2009, but a new study shows them flourishing as never before.

New IUF Action Program for Equality

Download the new version of the IUF Action Program for Equality, our program for strengthening women's membership and representation in their unions and in the IUF and for workplaces free from gender-related discrimination and violence. The Action Program was revised by the IUF Women' Conference held in Geneva on May 12-13, and endorsed by the 26th IUF Congress.

South Africa: Fatal crash highlights poor farm transport

The Congress of South Africa Trade Unions has said it is “shocked and angered” by the deaths of 21 farm workers in an accident involving a train and a truck.

Malaysia: Fonterra workers' struggle backed by New Zealand union

In the annual general meetings held so far in 2012, New Zealand Dairy Workers' Union (NZDWU) members voted unanimously to demand that Fonterra allow IUF-affiliated Food Industry Employers Union (FEIU) access to the Fonterra Malaysia Plant to talk about union membership with Fonterra's Malaysian workers.

IUF tells EU advisors agency work undermines human rights

The use of agency labour beyond narrow, verifiable criteria undermines fundamental rights when measured against the criteria established by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Editorial Latin America's new model coup d'état must not be allowed to succeed

Less than a week before the third anniversary of the coup d'état which removed the elected President of Honduras, Paraguayan President Fernando Lugo was forced from the presidency in a similar 'parliamentary' coup. "Honduras was the laboratory for what is happening here", Lugo told IUF Latin American Regional Secretary Gerardo Iglesias, who travelled to Asunción to show international solidarity with the democratic resistance.

Urgent Action Tell Unilever human rights are not a matter of taste!

Two years after signing an agreement with the IUF which it has never implemented, Unilever is on the verge of committing itself to 4 more years of violating the basic rights of a group of Indian workers. Does the company's signature signify nothing?

Feature Unilever human rights abuses again under fire - IUF lodges complaint with UK government

For 5 long years workers at the Unilever factory in Doom Dooma, Assam, India have been denied the right to freely choose the union they wish to represent them to negotiate the terms and conditions of their employment.

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