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Sweden: IUF affiliated hotel union HRF protects wages, calls off strike

HRF yesterday signed an agreement covering about 65 000 employees in the hotel and restaurant industry. The agreement critically raises minimum real salaries.

Argentina's food workers mobilize for a living wage

The IUF-affiliated Federation of Food Industry Workers of Argentina is stepping up nationwide pressure to secure a living wage for food workers in this year's round of collective bargaining negotiations.

Feature Employer sabotage at the ILO: a modest proposal

On June 6, the ITUC released the 2012 edition of its essential Annual Survey of Violations of Trade Union Rights. This year's survey confirms that Colombia remains the most dangerous country for trade unionists, with 29 women and men murdered in the space of a year for belonging to a union. Guatemala follows, with 10 assassinations.

Urgent Action Stop union-busting at KFC Bermuda!

The Bermuda Industrial Union (BIU) is calling for international support in its fight to repulse union-busting at the fast food chain Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), where the union has represented workers for close to 40 years.

Click here to send a message to KFC!

Feature IUF Congress defines struggles, objectives for coming years

The 26th IUF Congress, held in Geneva from May 15-18 around the slogan "Organize, fight and win!", was the largest and most representative Congress in the organization's history, marked by a great spirit of participation, militant commitment and solidarity.

Pakistan: Union secures hundreds of permanent jobs for casual workers at Nestlé Kabirwala

An agreement has been reached in Pakistan under which hundreds of casual jobs at the Nestle Kabirwala dairy plant will be converted to permanent jobs

Urgent Action New Amnesty International action on imprisoned Iranian trade unionists

Amnesty International has launched a new action in response to the sentencing of two Iranian union leaders. 

USA: Two Teamster union wins on the same day

Workers at the Stonyfield plant, partly owned by Danone, in Antioch California voted in favour of Teamsters representation on May 31 and will start bargaining for a first contract shortly.

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