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Feature Unilever Assam workers waiting for their rights: 5 years on and counting

How long does it take for Unilever, the company whose Business Principles and  Supplier Codes "embody our commitment to the human dignity and labour rights of our employees and suppliers", to honor an agreement on fundamental trade union rights for a group of workers in its highly profitable Indian operations? Workers at the company's factory in the state of Assam are asking that question, and scratching their heads.

Turkey: IUF calls on Government to drop proposed ban on strikes in aviation services

On May 11, Metin Külünk, of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP), tabled a motion in parliament to amend the law on collective agreement, strike and lockout such that the law would effectively ban strikes in the aviation sector.

IUF and Nestlé welcome settlement of Panjang Indonesia dispute

The IUF and Nestlé welcome the settlement of the dispute at Panjang, Indonesia, around the status of 53 employees whose employment was terminated on October 5 and 6, 2011.

Swedish hotel & restaurant union gives strike notice as employers turn their back on negotiations

The Swedish Hotel & Restaurant Workers' Union (HRF) has given notice of industrial action to begin June 8 in eleven prestige hotels and restaurants in the country's three biggest cities.

Major win in New Zealand: Locked-out Talley's/AFFCO workers back to work!

After 12 weeks, the 1,000 AFFCO meat workers who were locked out or on strike have returned to work over the last few days following the settlement reached between the company and their union, the New Zealand Meat Workers Union, in the early hours of Tuesday, 21 May 2012.

Urgent Action Tell Walmart to stop human rights abuses in their factories!

In April, 2,000 migrant workers in a factory in Thailand that processes shrimp for a major supplier to Walmart revolted against their abusive and degrading conditions. The workers, from Cambodia and Burma, protested the seizure of their passports by factory owners in Thailand. Police were called. Shots were fired.

Union wins new gains for Tata/Tetley West Bengal tea workers

Following the agreement in May 2011 to resolve the long dispute between workers and Amalgamated Plantations Private Ltd (APPL).at the company's Nowera Nuddy tea garden in northern West Bengal, the union has once again with IUF support won further important gains.

From Ohio to Punjab, the disposable jobs behind Kraft's 'power brands'

While Kraft gathers CSR awards and babbles on about 'Making a Delicious Difference in Our Communities', a recent article in a local Ohio newspaper provides new details of the squalid chain of outsourced disposable jobs at Consolidated Biscuits, Kraft's notoriously anti-union contract manufacturer in McComb.

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