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International Women's Day 2012 - ratify ILO Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers!

Domestic workers won one of the best fought and most justified victories ever on June 16 2011 when ILO Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers was adopted.

Nestlé workers, supporters rally in Indonesia and Pakistan as global support builds - Stop Nespressure!

Support at home and abroad continues to build for the struggle for trade union rights at Nestlé factories in Indonesia and Pakistan.

For New York Hotel Workers, Big Raises and Panic Buttons

The New York Hotel Trades Council, AFL-CIO has successfully concluded early negotiations for a new Industry-Wide Agreement with the Hotel Association of New York City, Inc. (the organization that represents the city’s hotel owners), covering about 21,000 of the union’s 32,000 members.

Massive union mobilization in Spain against labour 'reform' gutting worker protection and union rights

Spain's national trade union centers CC.OO and UGT together brought 1,8 million people onto the streets in 57 cities on February 19 to protest government labour legislation which dramatically weakens collective bargaining and workplace protection and facilitates redundancies.

Israel: Significant breakthrough for contract workers

On February 12 the Histadrut, Israel’s national trade union centre ended a four day national strike in support of non-union and exploited contract workers in the country.

IUF Dairy Affiliates sign mutual support agreement

Two IUF affiliates, the National Union of Workers in Australia and the New Zealand Dairy Workers Union have signed a cooperation agreement under the auspices of the IUF’s recently established Dairy Division.

Read more from NUW web site here.

Unilever workers and their unions protest in Rotterdam

Over 100 European trade union activists gathered at Unilever European headquarters in Rotterdam in the Netherlands on February 16 for a noisy protest against the company's attack on the pensions of workers in the UK.

Unite Meatworkers To Take Strike Action At Vion Foods

Unite members at the food firm Vion in Cambuslang (near Glasgow) will walk out on 20th February in the first in a series of walkouts planned in a dispute over terms and conditions.

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