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IUF condemns Turkish government's new trade union legislation for failure to respect international standards

Trade union rights in Turkey have long been a cause of concern for the global trade union movement. As a result of legislation imposed by the military regime in 1980, workers in Turkey have been denied their basic rights to freely organize in trade unions, to bargain collectively and to take strike action.

Honduran landowners' war on peasant movement claims 45th victim

The two-year war against thousands of peasant families and their organizations fighting to defend their lands and cooperatives and to reclaim land stolen by large oil palm growers in the northeast Honduran region of Bajo Aguán has taken a new innocent life. On January 20 two gunmen on motorcycles murdered Matías Valle, former vice president of the United Peasants Movement of Aguán (MUCA).

Urgent Action Savage Lockout at Grenada Breweries!

Grenada, an island in the southeastern Caribbean Sea, can be heaven for tourists but Grenada Breweries Company turned it into a hell for workers as 125 of them were locked out just before Christmas on December 19, 2011.

Unite releases Unilever film to kick off new strikes over snatched pensions

The UK's Unite has launched a film to kick off the second round of national strike action with rolling strikes at 12 Unilever sites across the UK, including manufacturing plants, R&D and informational technology centers. The strikes are set to run from January 18 to 28.

Compass Algeria - IUF and company agree settlement

Following a series of discussions, including mediation talks under the auspices of the OECD UK National Contact point, the IUF and the Compass Group have reached a settlement on issues raised by the IUF relating to Eurest operations in Algeria.

Coca-Cola workers protest against closure of their factory in Lodz, Poland

Despite heavy snow fall, about 100 protesters gathered in front of the Coca-Cola factory in Lodz January 13th to denounce management’s plans to close the factory in a sudden brutal move. Despite the bad weather conditions, some workers had brought their families and kids.

Urgent Action Carlsberg's attacks on trade union rights supported by Lithuanian court decision to declare beer an 'essential service' !

Brewery transnational Carlsberg is attacking trade union rights in Lithuania with the support of the country's legal system, which has declared beer production an "essential service".

New strikes loom as UK Unilever unions step up fight to restore 'snatched' pensions

Following the successful first-ever 24-hour national strike at Unilever UK last December 9, unions at Unilever's 13 UK sites have voted to launch a new round of strikes lasting up to 12 days beginning January 17 in the escalating fight to reclaim their final salary-based pension scheme - and showed their resolve with an energetic protest outside the company's London headquarters January 10.

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