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Urgent Action Stop attack on Argentine rural workers’ social security!

The Argentine Agricultural workers Union, UATRE, is calling for urgent assistance to defend the agricultural workers social security system, RENATRE.

Challenging Precarious_Work @ Nestlé.Kabirwala.com

Nestlé's dairy factory in Kabirwala, Pakistan, depends on the daily labour of hundreds of precarious workers provided by contractors on a no work, no pay basis. When the union became engaged in assisting long-serving precarious workers to obtain direct, permanent employment status - as prescribed by law - management responded with mass dismissals, provocations, police charges and physical assault by the labour contractor and goons.

Urgent Action Women hotel workers in Cambodia fight illegal mass firings

Workers unfairly terminated for trade union organizing at the five star Angkor Village Hotel and Angkor Village Botanical Resort Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia, are fighting for their rights, their jobs and their union - and need your support.

Hong Kong, Korean unions demonstrate against escalating anti-union attacks in Fiji

On November 24, the IUF-affiliated Hong Kong catering and hotel workers' union CHIEGU and the HKCTU, the national center of which it is a member, held a protest action in front of the Honorary Consulate of Fiji to highlight escalating attacks on human rights and growing repression of the trade union movement by the military government of Commodore Bainimarama.

UN Special Rapporteur calls for overhaul of WTO rules to ensure the right to food

As governments prepare for the December 15-17 WTO ministerial meeting in Geneva, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, Olivier De Schutter, has issued a series of recommendations for overhauling world trade rules if governments are to fulfill their obligation to ensure the right to food in an increasingly hungry world.

Union negotiates more permanent jobs at Coca-Cola Lahore, union membership rises

On 26 November 2011, 39 long-term casual workers received their permanent appointment letters at the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Lahore.This is part of the ongoing negotiations by the Coca-Cola unions in the IUF-affiliated National Federation of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Workers (NFFBTW), to increase the proportion of permanent jobs and reduce precarious work at Coca-Cola Pakistan’s six bottling plants.

Jail, bail, dismissals - criminalizing the struggle for decent work at Nestlé Pakistan

Contract workers claiming their rights at Nestlé's dairy factory in Kabirwala, Pakistan have been punished with the loss of their jobs and jailed by the score on fabricated charges as management seeks to criminalize the union's struggle in support of permanent jobs for contract workers.

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