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UFCW legal victory wins back payment for thousands of Tyson poultry workers

A settlement has been approved by a US court awarding USD 32 million to more than 17,000 Tyson poultry workers in 41 plants in 12 states, the culmination of a long struggle for compensation for work already performed initiated by the IUF-affiliated UFCW 12 years ago.

American Crystal Sugar locks out 1,300 workers across 7 factories

On August 1, American Crystal Sugar, the largest sugar beet processor in the US (a farmer-owned coop) locked out 1,300 BCTGM members when they refused, after minimal bargaining, to accept the company's re-draft of the collective agreement.

Urgent Action Justice and union jobs for all Hershey workers!

The walkout by some 400 "educational exchange" workers at a facility packing and distributing products for US chocolate maker Hershey has exposed one of corporate America's privileged strategies for destroying union jobs through outsourcing. These formerly union jobs were triply outsourced in a long-running scheme to eliminate directly employed unionized workers at Hershey and destroy the jobs of the IUF-affiliated BCTGM, whose work this once was.

Italian unions strike against austerity

Italy's national confederation CGIL has called for a one-day national general strike on September 6 to demand the government rescind its budgetary and legislative attacks on workers and their rights.

Strike by student exchange workers at US chocolate maker Hershey exposes sordid trail of outsourcing and exploitation

Over 300 foreign student workers sat in and then walked off the job at a distribution plant in Palmyra, Pennsylvania on August 17, bringing into the spotlight a sordid trail of exploitation and abuse leading to premier US chocolate manufacturer Hershey.

Fiji update - Military moves into sugar mills

As the anti-union actions of the Fijian military dictatorship continue (click here for details and link to urgent action), soldiers are now present 24/7 in all Fiji’s sugar mills.

Urgent Action Military dictatorship in Fiji determined to crush unions

On September 2, Daniel Urai, general secretary of the IUF-affiliated Fijian National Union of Hospitality Catering and Tourism Industries Employees (NUHCTIE) and union organiser Nitin Goundra  will go on trial for “unlawful assembly”.  Their real “crime” is to have met and advised members about pending collective bargaining negotiations with hotel management. The case is just one in a long line of incidents of assault, harassment and intimidation of union leaders in Fiji over recent months.

Urgent Action New York: Boathouse Restaurant workers strike against unfair labor practices

60 employees of the Boathouse Restaurant in New York’s Central Park walked off their jobs on August 9 and were joined on the picket line by 37 of their co-workers who were illegally terminated in retaliation for organizing a union. Boathouse workers began organizing in 2009 because of very low wages, stolen overtime pay, long hours, no benefits, unsafe conditions, rampant favoritism, sexual harassment, ethnic discrimination, and extremely abusive managers.

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