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Launch of the Joint ITF/IUF Fisheries Programme Web-Site

We're happy to announce that the joint web-site of the ITF/IUF Fisheries Programme is live on both global union federations' main pages. You can access the joint site through the "Fisheries" section under the work areas & sectors on the right column of the front page of the IUF site.

Finnish Hotel workers document sexual harrassment

IUF affiliate PAM  has surveyed hotel room cleaners, asking questions about their experiences of sexual harassment in the workplace.

Coca-Cola unions in Pakistan coordinate national bargaining, sign collective agreements for the first time

Six Coca-Cola unions jointly negotiated their plant-level Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs) with Coca-Coca Pakistan Beverages Limited (CCBPL) through national bargaining for the first time ever.

Peru: women chocolate workers' hunger strike brings victory at La Ibérica

A twenty-two day strike by workers at Peru's upscale La Ibérica chocolate maker - including a week's hunger strike - have resulted in a new collective agreement which brings important gains. Ibérica is a hundred-year-old family enterprise with a single factory in the southern city of Arequjipa but outlets throughout the country. Ninety-five of the factory's one hundred workers are women.

Settlement ends 10-month lockout at Roquette USA

Members of the BCTGM Local 48G at the Keokuk, Iowa Roquette facility voted on July 23 to agree a settlement in the conflict which saw them locked out of their jobs since September 28 last year. Work is expected to resume next week.

No contract, years without a raise - LSG Sky Chefs workers rally at Lufthansa hq

UNITE HERE brought hundreds of airline catering workers from across the US to rally in support of their demands on July 14 at the headquarters of the parent company, German airline Lufthansa, in East Meadow, New York. The workers have been without a contract since January 2010.

Fiji government steps up anti-union aggression

The government of Fiji, which abrogated the Constitution following the 2009 coup which brought it to power, has stepped up its aggression against both private and public sector unions.

Lithuania: UAB members at Carlsberg on strike /company retaliates and threatens use of strike-breakers

On June 10 more than half of the workers of IUF-affiliated UAB union "Svyturys-Utenos alus", voted in favour of strike action at the Carlsberg brewery in Lithuania in support of their demand for a decent company level collective agreement.

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