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Still fighting for justice: Philippine hotel workers demand implementation of ILO judgement

Union workers from the DUSIT Hotel in Manila who were dismissed en masse in 2002 during a dispute over renegotiation of their collective agreement are still fighting for justice. The workers are members of IUF affiliate NUHWRAIN.

ILO adopts Domestic Workers Convention

The second and final discussions on an ILO Convention & Recommendation for Domestic Workers were successfully concluded on June 16, making this a historic day for millions of domestic workers around the world who have finally been recognized as workers and guaranteed the same basic rights as other categories of workers.

Urgent Action Respect trade union rights at Vitasoy Hong Kong

Over the past ten days Vitasoy International Holdings has reacted with arrogance and disdain to calls for respect of trade union rights at its Hong Kong operations.

Urgent Action Reinstate Polish Hotel union activist!

IUF affiliate Solidarnosc has begun a series of protest actions at the Hotel Jan III in Warsaw, after  Malgorzata Sokalska,  activist and chair of the hotel works council was dismissed without notice in breach of Polish law and international Conventions on trade union rights.

Russian unions join forces in new confederation

Consolidation of the independent trade union movement in Russia has taken a large step forward with the extraordinary congress of the Confederation of Labour of Russia (KTR), which took place in Moscow on May 27, 2011.

Four years after punishing lockout, Unilever Assam workers still waiting for their union to be recognized

Business is doing well at Unilever’s personal products factory at Doom Dooma in the Indian state of Assam. But nearly 4 years after management tried to destroy the union with a punishing 6-week lockout, and almost one year since the IUF and Unilever formally concluded an agreement to settle the dispute under the auspices of the UK government, the workers are still waiting for their union to be recognized as their collective bargaining agent.

Vitasoy Australia Workers Support Fight for Union Rights in Hong Kong

Vitasoy, a Hong Kong-based transnational company with manufacturing operations in Hong Kong, Shenzen, Shangahi, Singapore, Ayer (Massachusetts, USA) and Wodonga (Victoria, Australia), promotes its premium soy-based food and beverage brands under the slogan "where healthy life begins" - yet the company appears to be far less concerned about the health of its workers in Hong Kong.

Ban on temp agency labour advances in Russian Parliament

Russia's Duma (Parliament) has voted in the first reading in favor of a bill which if adopted will effectively ban the use of temporary agency labour in the country.

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