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New Publication: Leaflet on the IUF PepsiCo Union network

The IUF is constantly working on extending union networks in transnational companies.
In December 2010, the IUF PepsiCo Union network was founded. In order to inform PepsiCo workers not yet part of the network  about this strong tool for mutual solidarity, a new leaflet now informs about the purpose and objectives of the network.
The IUF Coca-Cola Workers’ Alliance, founded in 2008, had issued a similar publication earlier.

Settlement at Nestlé Indonesia brings Nespressure campaign to successful conclusion

A settlement has been agreed which brings recognition and bargaining rights to the IUF-affiliated SBNIP at the Nescafé factory in Panjang, Indonesia.

Together: New Zealand's new union for non-members

The New Zealand Council of Trade Unions (NZCTU) has created a new organization - 'Together' - to expand union membership and influence by bringing workers from non-union workplaces into the trade union movement. The NZCTU and its affiliates are reaching out by offering membership in together to individuals at workplaces where there is no union and by signing up friends and family members of current union members.

Solidarity with Iranian Workers

March 21 is the start of the New Year in Iran. IUF, Education International, the International Transport Workers’ Federation (the three international union federations with member organizations in Iran) and the ITUC together send a message of solidarity to all Iranian workers fighting for trade union rights and independent unions:

Editorial Kraft CEO missing in action as company steps up its vanishing act

Called to testify last week before a UK parliamentary committee of enquiry, Kraft CEO Irene Rosenfeld failed to appear, even declining an offer to answer questions by video hookup. “Kraft declined to comment on Rosenfeld's whereabouts”, the UK Guardian reported on March 15.

Spain: UGT and CC.OO campaign together for their members’ rights at bankrupt food company

Under the motto: "In defense of employment and workplaces at Nueva Rumasa" more than 3,000 workers marched in Madrid on 12 March in a demonstration called jointly by the UGT and CC.OO. agro-food federations.

California unions win first workplace regulation of hazardous flavoring ingredient diacetyl/local success underlines global regulatory failure

A long union push for workplace regulation of the highly toxic food flavoring diacetyl has resulted in the introduction of a strict new workplace standard in the state of California.

European Parliament votes in favor of financial transaction tax – now on to implementation!

Members of the European Parliament, voting in Strasbourg on March 8, voted overwhelmingly across party lines to adopt the Eurosocialists proposal for a tax on financial transactions (FTT) as an alternative to austerity. The parliament approved a report by Greek Socialist Anni Podimata calling for the implementation of a 0.05% tax on all financial transactions at European level as a first step towards a global implementation.

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