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Meat Workers News
04/07/2011 - 23:00

New hires at Herning while workers at Hadsund fight pay cuts

27/06/2011 - 14:12

The 4,500 FAWU members at the farms and processing plants of Rainbow Chicken, South Africa's largest processor and marketer of chicken, have been on a national strike since 26 May in pursuit of a wage increase, a reduction in working hours and an increase in the minimum wage on the farms.

20/12/2010 - 12:42

Australia’s National Union of Workers (NUW) is stepping up its campaign in support of workers at Baiada, the country’s largest poultry producer, by calling on the company’s main bank and largest retailer to insist that Baida guarantee ethical employment standards

27/10/2010 - 11:39

Eastern Kazakhstan has been a regional center of poultry production since Soviet times, and the Cheremshanskaya "Poultry Plant Plus" is one of the largest. Formerly emplying 650 people, fifteen years after its privatization the plant today provides jobs for only 360. The average wage is some USD 100-120 monthly - but today wages are paid only rarely, and rarely in full. Wage arrears currently amount to USD 245,000, with 375,000 owed to the pension fund.

26/10/2010 - 13:53

Australia's National Union of Workers (NUW) has rallied behind an immigrant Sudanese poultry worker who was sacked for raising allegations of racisim at his workplace. In the process, the union has helped spotlight a brutally exploitative workplace regime at one of the country's leading 'ethically produced' poultry brands. The union's 'Free range chicken - caged workers' campaign has spurred a government investigation into conditions at the Lilydale factory in Adelaide.

15/10/2010 - 15:07

Workers at the Belkozin plant in the northern Ukrainian town of Priluki have won wage increases totaling 54% following strike action in May, a long mobilization and tough bargaining by the plant organization of the IUF-affiliated Agro-Industrial Workers' Union of Ukraine.

11/10/2010 - 15:58

The almost 1,200 workers at the JBS plant in Souderton, Pennsylvania, have voted to join the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) Local 1776.

01/02/2010 - 15:09

The German public prosecutor and tax authorities are examining serious allegations concerning world's largest pork exporter Danish Crown in Germany.
In December 2009, a large number of subcontracted Romanian workers received only partial or no pay at all for their work at the slaughterhouse.

01/02/2010 - 11:10

FLAI-CGIL and UILA-UIL meat workers walked out on January 29 for 8 hours for the first in a series of strikes at Inalca-JBS Castelvetro (Modena) slaughterhouse in Italy.

21/01/2010 - 10:21

Negotiations for the renewal of the collective agreement at Inalca's largest slaughterhouse in Castelvetro (Modena), Italy, broke down on 22 December 2009. On 14 January 2010, an overwhelming majority of Inalca workers – represented byIUF Italian affiliates FLAI-CGIL and UILA-UIL, voted in favour of a 16-hour strike that will start in the following weeks.

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