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No contract, years without a raise - LSG Sky Chefs workers rally at Lufthansa hq

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UNITE HERE brought hundreds of airline catering workers from across the US to rally in support of their demands on July 14 at the headquarters of the parent company, German airline Lufthansa, in East Meadow, New York. The workers have been without a contract since January 2010.

The workers endured a substantial cut in wages in benefits to help out the ailing company in 2006 - now they say it's past time for a long-delayed raise and health care that's affordable. Many of the workers have had no salary increase since 2002.

The union represents over 6,000 Sky Chefs workers in more than 40 kitchens around the country. Gate Gourmet, Sky Chefs' main airline catering competitor, signed an agreement with its union workers in June 2010.

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