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Vitasoy Australia Workers and NUW win

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Following two 24-hours strikes organised by the Vitasoy workers under NUW membership at the factory in Wodonga, Victoria, the union reached an agreement with the company on October 14. VITASOY factory workers accepted the new collective bargaining agreement after their union NUW gained some important benefits and rights from management. These gains included:

  • Protection for all workers through insertion of a clause guaranteeing that all casual workers, whether directly or indirectly employed will enjoy the same wages and conditions as other workers on site
  • Ability for Union organisers to enter the site to assist workers in disputes and to distribute information with less than the standard 24 hours notice
  •  A commitment to collectively bargain with the Union and its members

Following this outcome in support of the rights of Vitasoy workers in Australia, NUW and IUF will go on supporting and campaigning for the recognition of the Hong Kong Vitasoy Employees Union and the bargaining rights of Hong Kong workers.


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