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Fight to keep jobs at Kraft Foods distribution center a success!

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The dispute with Kraft Foods over the company's intention to close their distribution center in Norcross (US state of Georgia) and shift work and jobs to a 3rd-party, non-union facility has been resolved to the satisfaction of the workers and their union, the BCTGM.

Click here for the background.

The company has rescinded its decision to close the distribution center.

In return, the union has agreed to minor concessions on terms and conditions, which will essentially bring them into line with those in effect at other BCTGM-represented distribution centers. The agreement was ratified by the membership in late December 2011. Wage and benefit increases will be set later at national negotiations, which the Norcross branch will be part of.

The BCTGM and Local 42 thanks the IUF and the IUF Kraft Union Network for all their support and efforts on behalf of the members at Norcross. Jim Condran, BCTGM International Representative, writes, "A simple thanks does not satisfactorily express our gratitude, but we offer it and our best wishes for a healthy and prosperous New Year as well!"

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