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May/June: IUF members score important wins

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Despite challenging times for our movement IUF members had important wins in recent weeks.

At Tata Beverages, India IUF members continued to make progress.

Our members at Nestlé Panjang (Indonesia) and Kabirwala (Pakistan) secured agreements protecting rights and employment.

IUF-affiliated New Zealand Meat Workers Union members at AFFCO  returned to work with their rights and dignity intact after a brutal lockout. Approaches to key AFFCO customers internationally put real pressure on the company.

At a Liverpool (UK) packaging company MMP IUF-affiliated Unite reached an agreement guaranteeing its members’ rights. Again international pressure on MMP’s major clients in the food sector helped.

IUF-affiliated Teamsters in North America saw two organizing wins at Danone and Sotherby’s, both with international support.

And our hotel affiliate in Sweden has just fought back wage attacks across the sector.

Following a successful IUF 26th World Congress it’s been a positive month for several IUF members.

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