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Democracy now in Swaziland !

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Unions internationally are urging support for the Global Week of Action on Swaziland organized by the Swaziland Democracy Campaign, which has called for international solidarity. For four decades since indendendence, the Swazi monarch has ruled under emergency laws and 'counter-terrorism' legislation which ban political parties and severely restrict democratic and civic freedoms. Union activity is often violently repressed, and in April this year the government de-registered the Trade Union Congress of Swaziland after it called for an election boycott.

IUF Regional Secretary for Africa Gabriel Babalola affirmed the strong support of the IUF's African membership for the campaign, saying "Now is the time for unions in Africa and around the world to support our sisters and brothers in Swaziland and their struggle for basic democratic and human rights."

For more information, and to learn how your union can support the campaign, contact the ITUC.

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