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Third ratification of the Domestic Worker’s Convention 189

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On June 16, 2011, Convention 189 on Decent Work for Domestic Workers was adopted by the International Labour Conference. Within a year of this historic event, Uruguay became the first country to ratify C189 on June 14, 2012, followed by the Philippines on September 5, and Mauritius on September 13.

Next week the IUF supported IDWN (International Domestic Workers’ Network) will meet with the ITUC in Brussels to assess progress in the joint ratification campaign and to refine the strategies.

Meanwhile, the IUF welcomes an increasing number of organizations representing domestic workers  among its affiliates, including Syndicat National des Employés de la Maison et de Gardiennage (SYNEMAG), Burkina Faso, the National Union of Domestic Employees (NUDE), Trinidad and Tobago and Fédération Syndicale Professionnelle des Industries Alimentaires, Hôtelières, Touristiques et Assimilés (FSPIATHA) Guinea. For more information about IDWN activities, click on
Domestic workers on the IUF website or on

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