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Kraft split starting to show its impact on workers

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Hardly one month after the creation of Mondelez, the company has made its first announcements of proposed closures and job cuts: in Austria and Canada, two long-established factories are to close affecting some 600 workers. Read about it here….

And in the run-up to the split, Kraft Foods sold off two European businesses that do not fit in the Mondelez mould: Germany-based Miracoli pasta meals were sold to Mars in August and Italy-based Simmenthal canned meats to the Bolton Group, an Italian FMCG company, in September. It remains to be seen what effect this may have on the former Kraft workers there.

The IUF has prepared a short backgrounder explaining the corporate split to Mondelez workers and their unions and proposing steps to take to prepare and organize for the fight ahead. We encourage all to distribute this as widely as possible.

Download here.


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