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The situation at Holiday Inn LAX isn't clean

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Holiday Inn LAX

The workers at the Holiday Inn LAX are blowing the whistle on their employer. Holiday Inn LAX employees reported that the hotel sometimes went without laundry detergent to wash sheets and towels. Workers would use only hot water when that happened. Workers also reported sometimes having no soap to wash cocktail glasses in the bar. Housekeepers would run out of products to clean bathrooms. Some of them would purchase their own cleaning supplies.

On October 4, employees filed a class action lawsuit claiming they regularly weren’t paid for overtime, worked through many lunch breaks, aren’t paid the wages required by law, and have spent their own money on supplies they need to do their job. To top things off, the Hotel fired two outspoken union supporters after employees started complaining, prompting a one day strike! While the Hotel has backed off one firing, the other worker is still fighting for his job. Workers should be able to unionize without fear or intimidation.

Read more on UNITE HERE website here and here.

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