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Accor again guilty of labour law violations in Canada - this time by its own admission!

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Following the recent ruling of the Labor Relations Board in Ontario, Canada, that Accor management consistently engaged in illegal activity to combat union organizing at the Novotel Mississauga, the company has now admitted to violating the law at a second hotel - the Novotel Ottawa.

In a November 21 letter to employees, the Novotel Ottawa General Manager admitted that management had been applying their "no solicitation" rule at the hotel "in a manner which is inconsistent with the Ontario Labour laws." "No solicitation" enjoins employees from selling or promoting while on duty in the workplace. Accor management, however, has insisted that under this policy even speaking about the union was banned, and could be grounds for discipline or dismissal!

Accor's anti-union practices in Canada and Bénin are the subject of ongoing complaints locally and before the French government.

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