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Press Conference in Cairo features Cadbury 5 Campaign, calls on Government to "Do your duty"

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A press conference highlighting the struggles of Egyptian workers punished for exercising their rights took place at the Press Club in Cairo on 14 September 2013.

Labour leaders and human rights activists spoke before some 300 participants, including journalists from major newspapers and national and international television, calling on the government to ensure reinstatement of all unfairly dismissed workers, to repeal the unfair labour laws and to develop new laws which promote workers' rights.

Amongst the speakers was Hussein Ahmed, General Secretary of the IUF-affiliated Cadbury Union in Alexandria. In his presentation of the struggle of the Cadbury 5, he highlighted the IUF's efforts in support of Mondelez workers and the role of the IUF's global campaign for democratic and trade union rights at Mondelez in bringing solidarity and support to the dismissed Cadbury union leaders.


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