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Mondelez Pakistan workers threatened, harassed and punished for demanding... the right to work for Mondelez!

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Mondelez, the "global snacks powerhouse" carved out of the former Kraft Foods one year ago, is celebrating its first anniversary "with month-long festivities and volunteer activities for its 110,000 employees around the world" who are "taking time to give back to their communities". In Pakistan, however, management continues to threaten, penalize and harass the workers who make the company's products for demanding… the right to work for Mondelez. CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO MONDELEZ.

In Pakistan 53 permanent workers but over 350 contract workers, many of them in 'core' production positions, manufacture Cadbury-branded products for the company. Management calls these workers "outsiders" and rejects the union's demand for negotiations on their employment status. Many of these workers have long records of continuous employment at the factory, but are denied their mandatory pension and social security benefits. Agency workers are pressured to perform enormous overtime under threat of losing their jobs.While Mondelez babbles about "sustainability", these workers live in permanent insecurity.

Management has stated that the casuals will never be made permanent and has threatened to close the factory. Dismissal proceedings have been initiated against active union members, others have received warning letters.

On September 13 the Mondelez union and the national food workers' federation launched a national protest campaign in support of their demands, beginning with a demonstration at the company's head office in Karachi and alternating with protest actions at the factory and in cities across the country.

You can support the union struggle against disposable jobs - CLICK HERE TO SEND A MESSAGE TO MONDELEZ.


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