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Pearl Continental union leader wins reinstatement, major morale boost for union

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In a morale boosting win for the IUF’s affiliate at the Pearl Continental Hotel in Karachi, Pakistan, union vice-president Nasreen Reshad won her case in the labour appellant court and has been reinstated with full benefits.

Nasreen was working at the health club of the Pearl Continental Hotel Karachi and was dismissed in 2002 together with other workers for fighting for her rights to union membership and bargaining rights.

Through her union she immediately filed a case in the labour court and in 2006 the labour court found against her. The union filed an appeal in the Sindh High Court and in 2008 when the Industrial Relations Act was amended leading to the establishment of Labour Appellate Tribunals the case was transferred from Sindh High Court to the Sindh Labour Appellate Tribunal.

Today the Sindh Appellate Tribunal reinstated Nasreen with full benefits.

This represents a vital victory for the union which will boost the morale of the union members and all IUF affiliates who have supported this courageous and determined eight-year fight by IUF members. For that entire period our members have been demanding only  that their  fundamental human rights be respected.


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