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Free - but for how long? House arrest ends but Glodeni union leaders still facing legal charges

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The Court of Appeal of Moldova has ordered the immediate release of the five union leaders from the Glodeni sugar plant workers' union who have been under house arrest for several weeks.

On Friday, December 17, the Court of Appeal rejected the prosecutor’s request to keep the five in detention and instead lifted the house arrest.

“I have worked 35 years at this plant and had 2 more months to work before I retire, but instead I ended up being arrested and treated like a criminal for demanding my wage to be paid”, commented Glodeni activist Fiodor Svoevolin.

The five still face legal charges of damaging Goldeni's financial situation.

Union vice-chair Valentina Semenyuk added, "We thank IUF and all brothers and sisters who support our struggle. We are free but charges against us are not dropped. We will continue to demand that our wages and other benefits are paid, that our jobs are protected and that all charges against our members be dropped“.

IUF general secretary Ron Oswald said: "We expect the government of Moldova to act and make sure all charges are completely dropped and wage issues are resolved. IUF will be closely monitoring the situation and will be ready to extend further support to Glodeni sugar workers".

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