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UPDATE - Human Rights Activist, IUF representative in Algeria beaten and jailed

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On 1 October, Algerian IUF representative and human rights activist Yacine Zaïd was stopped by police in Ouargla province, interrogated and beaten over a period of two hours. He was then abducted in a car with no licence plates.

Witnesses to the beating have expressed concern over the seriousness of his injuries and we have now learned that he remains in police custody and is to appear shortly before the Prosecutor of Ouargla province.

ACT NOW. Please send a message to the Algerian President to secure the safe release of Yacine Zaïd.

Please note that some messages may bounce back - do not be discouraged! The Algerian authorities have begun refusing e-mails - a sign that the messages are having an effect - but some messages will get through, making the point that the call for the release of Yacine Zaid has international support.



Yacine addressing the IUF Congress
May 18, 2012


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