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Geneva - workers thrown on scrapheap while hotel gets overhaul

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Workers at Hotel Capitole in Geneva went on strike today to protest against lay-offs during the temporary closure of the hotel for renovation. Meanwhile, their employer, Capitole Management SA, is in advanced talks with Accor, French transnational hotel operator, for a management contract at the re-opening.

Workers have asked to be employed in one of the other 11 hotels that Accor operates in Geneva and to be re-hired at the re-opening. However, during a meeting on April 9 with IUF-affiliate Unia and workers' representatives, both Capitole Management and Accor refused to find solutions for workers affected by the closure.















The strike is the first in a Geneva hotel for 10 years. The company has responded by forcing workers from its other hotels to move to Hotel Capitole to replace their striking colleagues.

IUF General Secretary Ron Oswald commented "We will be working with Unia to get Accor to fulfil its obligations. It cannot stand aside while workers are treated this way."


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