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Colombia: Act now to protect union leaders

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The IUF has issued an urgent call to the Colombian Government to take immediate action to ensure the safety of union and political leaders. The call comes after the IUF secretariat was informed of death threats being sent by telephone text messages to officials of the national confederation, CUT and the political party, Polo Democrático.

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The CUT and the IUF believe these threats, which come from the extreme right in Colombia, are intensifying because of the current wave of protests and strikes in support of the rural sector.

In a press statement the CUT says “We reject these threats against the lives of comrades and urge the national government to guarantee the exercise of political opposition in Colombia”. The statement goes on to point out that 11 trade unionists have been killed so far in 2013 bringing the total trade union killings to 68 during the presidency of Santos.

Click here to send a message to the Colombian Government.

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