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Auckland-Rendezvous Hotel lockout ended

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Housekeeping staff at the Rendezvous Hotel in Auckland are back at work today, having ratified an agreement won after 13 days locked out by their employer without pay.
Service and Food Workers Union Nga Ringa Tota Members members won a pay increase of up to 2% for a one-year term, and kept their sick leave, after an 11-hour mediation to reach a settlement.
The Union says the Hotel had wanted to cut back on sick leave, which was a big issue for the members as they have to clean 18 rooms a shift - well above the industry norm.  
Rendezvous Hotel workers get seven days sick leave in New Zealand, compared with hotel workers in Australia who get a minimum of 10 days sick leave. 
The 13-day lockout has been very harsh on members whose families are on low incomes and depend on the money the housekeepers bring in. 

Rendevous Hotels and Resorts International based in Singapore and operates in 10 cities across Asia Pacific, including Sydney, Kuala Lumpur and Shanghai.


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