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FLOC – making sure agricultural migrant workers in Ohio have health services

Many migrant workers find it impossible to get healthcare as they travel around the US doing farm work. They often have no health insurance, are afraid of being reported to immigration and have language constraints.

Global March commits to action to end child labour in agriculture

The Global March against child labour (GM), a coalition of trade unions and NGOs, has adopted a comprehensive Framework of Action against child labour in agriculture. The Framework was developed at an international conference in Washington from July 28-30, 2012.

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) - a clear and present threat to democracy

Secret  negotiations are taking place between trade representatives from the United States, Singapore, Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, Peru and Vietnam.

Industrial Action at JBS Australia

Since May, work stoppages and overtime bans have been in place at JBS Australia's Dinmore beef plant when pay talks between the company and the Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union (AMIEU) broke down.

Italian unions slam Nestlé for cynical employment proposal

As a solution to an unforeseen rise in production costs at the Perugina chocolate factory, Nestlé has made a proposal to the union committee under the guise of a "generational pact to promote youth employment": Reduce your hours from 40 to 30 and, in return, we'll hire your son or daughter!

Urgent Action Kraft Tunisia: Union leader sacked. His crime? Meeting his members!

Kraft Foods owns 49% of one of the largest biscuit factories in Africa, Société Tunisienne de Biscuits (SAIDA). The acquisition happened when Kraft bought Danone's biscuit division. The SAIDA plant employs 1,600 workers of which 80% are women.

Feature Union-busting at Kraft's 'delicious world'

Kraft Foods, the world's second-largest food company, appears to be improvising their planned breakup into two separate corporate entities. But faced with the prospect of a union at their factory in Allentown, Pennsylvania, top corporate management lost no time to combat what they perceived as a mortal danger to the company.

Turkey: Labour Ministry shuns unions in hazelnut child labour discussions

IUF affiliated unions in Turkey and Dutch national centre FNV representatives were excluded by the Labour Ministry from a round table conference on child labour in hazelnut harvesting on July 4.

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