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McDonald's Italy: reality vs. media hype

McDonald's employees

In Italy, 80% of McDonald's' workers have a part-time contract, which guarantees only a few hours every week and a montlhy wage of about 600€. Yet, as part of a recent media campaign, McDonald's loudly proclaims its intention to hire 3000 workers over the next three years, underlining that workers are paid on time, that they are hired within the law, and that the National Collective Agreement for the tourism sector is regularly applied to their 16,000 employees.

German Food Workers mobilize against outsourcing, wage dumping at meat giant Vion

Dutch-based meat transnational Vion has again become a target for action by the German Food Workers Union (NGG) following the announcement that Vion will subcontract slaughtering operations at its Emsteck (Lower Saxony) plant to a Romanian subcontractor whose workers will earn sub-poverty wages.

Landmark ruling on 'employer free speech' and freedom of association in Israel

Israel's National Labor Court on January 2 ruled that a company whose employees seek to unionize must refrain from expressing its views on the subject in communications with employees either individually or as a group. The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed with the Court by the national center Histradrut concerning anti-union actions at the communications company Pelephone.

Ivory Coast union leader Basile Mahan Gahé leaves jail but charges still weigh

Basile Mahan Gahé, general secretary of the Ivory Coast national trade union center Dignité, was freed from prison on December 22, following his abduction, torture and 18 months of detention. His release however is conditional.

Government of France says Accor violated international guidelines on responsible business conduct

Following two years of investigation into a complaint brought by the IUF on behalf of affiliates in Canada and Bénin, the French government's National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises has determined that Accor consistently violated the Guidelines and that "blockages" must be overcome for Accor to be in compliance.

Big moves in North American dairy sector.

December 2012 was a big month for takeovers and expansion in the North American Dairy market.

PepsiCo signs $50m deal with Beyonce and orders plant closure for its workers

PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have spent over $330 million on campaigns involving entertainment and sports figures in 2012. Pepsi's move is in line with its new campaign, "Live for Now," that positions the brand on the pop-culture forefront around the world.

FrieslandCampina to modernise in German plants, 230 jobs will be cut

FrieslandCampina has announced that investment in its German plants in Cologne, Gütersloh and Heilbronn will eliminate 230 jobs.

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