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World Banana Forum launched

In December 2009, banana workers trade unions, all major banana companies, retailers, academics and some government representatives met in the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Rome to launch the World Banana Forum (WBF).

Its aim is to achieve an industry-wide consensus of best practices regarding workplace issues, gender equity, environmental impact, sustainable production and economic issues.

Unlike sugar, coffee, cocoa there is no intergovernmental organisation overseeing banana issues, although the FAO does have an inter-governmental working group.

In 1998 and 2005 the IUF worked with affiliates and NGOs to convene international banana conferences to discuss working and environmental condition for the banana sector. In 2005 it was agreed that a more permanent forum should be found to continue the discussions. IUF will be taking part in the forum but on the basis that it brings improvements on the ground and is not just a talking shop!

The secretariat for the WBF will based in the FAO.

You can read the background documents here:



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