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AWTG's blog

April 28 - International Workers Memorial Day - Kenya sugar union - organising to make workplaces safer

Workers in the cane-based sugar sector in Kenya face substantial safety and health hazards. Companies historically have shown a lack of concern about occupational health and safety (OHS)  and this has been worsened by casualisation and outsourcing, which put a great proportion of the sugar labour force at risk.

Almaty success! Agro-industrial Workers’ Union organises migrant agricultural workers

In 2009, 316 migrant workers, 143 of them women joined the Agro-industrial Workers’ Union (AWU) of Almaty (Kazakhstan).  46 workers of those who joined the AWU Almaty in 2008 returned in 2009 to work for the same employers.

OHS Code update

Work continues to develop a new ILO code of practice on safety and health in agriculture.

World Banana Forum launched

In December 2009, banana workers trade unions, all major banana companies, retailers, academics and some government representatives met in the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), Rome to launch the World Banana Forum (WBF).

ILO rural employment update

The ILO is starting to implement the action plan agreed in the 2008 Committee on Rural Employment.

Work has begun to do a review and assessment of ILO activities on rural employment since 1970. The AWTG will be contributing to the document which review will be presented to the ILO Governing Body in March 2010 and will be used to "inform future workplans".

IUF & the UN High Level Task Force on the global food security crisis

The UN High Level Task Force (HLTF) was set up in April 2008 in response to the food crisis sparked by soaring food prices, leading to riots in many countries.

Preparations for new ILO code of practice on safety and health

Negotiations will start next month on a new ILO code of practice for safety and health in agriculture. The code is meant to compliment Convention 184 by giving practical guidance for use in the workplace. IUF has been asked to nominate the Workers Group team of 8 people and this is being done in consultation with IUF regional structures. The AWTG has held a number of workshops to brainstorm on suggestions for the code's contents and has already provided ideas and suggestions for areas to be covered in the code to the ILO.

Bayer to stop endosulfan production in 2010

The AWTG has welcomed the news that Bayer, one of the world's largest chemical companies has agreed to stop production of endosulfan.

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